Erosion Plan


Weather plan
We will watch for severe weather from satellites or local weather and in heavy rain the wolf can take
Shelter in a man made cave. In dry times we can move them to a area with a hidden vents and cooled watering holes. In cold the wolf can regulate blood flow in their bodies to stay warm .

Erosion plan
The habitat has glass to make sure no wind in the habitat are controlled. The glass will protect from acid rain . And protect deposition in the habitat plus the glass in the habitat. Will also protect against weathering to also help stop erosion.

Metamorphosis plan.
The larva and caterpillars eat both leaves of flowers then the caterpillars become a pupa and goes in
It's chrysalis and does not eat the whole time . Then it hatches and becomes a butterfly and drinks
Nector from flowers . Plus in the habitat the wolf will exhale carbon - dioxide and the plant's will take the
Carbon-dioxide and turn it in to air.

Cottonwood tree


Hers a little info on the cottonwood tree

Cottonwood, In drier, temperate deciduous forests a thick bark helps to limit moisture evaporation from the tree's trunk. Since this is not a concern in the high humidity of tropical rain forests, most trees have a thin, smooth bark. The smoothness of the bark may also make it difficult for other plants to grow on their surface.
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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2013

